Minerva Club of Santa Maria
Est. 1894
Minerva Clubhouse
Designed by Julia Morgan - built in 1928

Our membership currently numbers over 200. Members enjoy twice monthly General Meetings (October - May). Each General Meeting includes a short business meeting, an interesting and fun program, time to relax, coffee/tea and snacks, and socializing with friends.
One Thursday of the months (November - May) members can enjoy a lunch and program full of fun. Reservations are required and cost varies from $20 - $25 dollars per person.
Throughout the year there are other events enjoyed by our members -- Bingo Luncheon and a Formal English Tea. Sometimes a play, our events change year to year.
Membership is by invitation. If you are not a member and have an interest in joining us, please go to the Contact Us page and fill out the information. Someone from the Club will call you and arrange for you to attend a meeting or two as our guest.
Minerva Club
127 W. Boone St.
Santa Maria, CA 93458
P.O. Box 881
Santa Maria, CA 93456-0881
Rental Information
The Clubhouse is available to rent.
CLICK on Rental Information at top of page for details.